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Registration Date: 07-16-2022
Date of Birth: 01-19-1990 (34 years old)
Local Time: 01-09-2025 at 02:09 AM
Status: Offline

betterbudgets's Forum Info
Joined: 07-16-2022
Last Visit: 07-16-2022, 02:39 PM
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Additional Info About betterbudgets
Location: Canada
Bio: budgeting coach near me

My name is Carrie Hayes, and I'm a Budgeting Coach. I can help you develop the habits and methods you need to take control of your money. Why do I need a budget?

Think of your financial life as a bucket. As you earn money, you drop it in the bucket. Ideally, you carefully and intentionally take money out of the bucket through spending. Problem is, every one of us has a hole or two in the bottom of our bucket. Money leaks out when our finances aren't organized, we miss a bill payment, or we indulge in unplanned spending.

Having a good budgeting system plugs the holes in our bucket. It gets our actions aligned with our best intentions, even when we're at our worst. Those are the times we want nothing more than to indulge in a luxury purchase, and set aside our long term goals for short-term gratification. It's important to have a budget before working on other personal finance goals. Why? Because having a leaky bucket can erode your financial gains, and sabotage new financial strategies you're trying.

My Startup Package will give you a budget, get your finances organized, and set you up with a rockstar system for managing your money. After completing the Startup Package and following the steps, you'll have organized finances, clear priorities, a linear path towards your financial goals, and lower stress around finance
Sex: Male